This blog began with 16 letters from people from Brindi's world - who know and like her, including her groomer, vet, kennel owner, neighbors with kids, neighbors with dogs, and friends of Brindi's owner. It is growing fast with letters from supporters near and far. See FREE BRINDI for a blog kept by Brindi's best friend, Francesca Rogier. Best friends are forever!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Some Letters from our Brindi Supporters

Mr Peter J. Kelly
Maire of Halifax, Canada


Dear Mr Kelly,

Coming back to you after a few days... as things do not seem to have advanced much in Brindi's case! Time's running short... and Fran Rogier, her owner, gets more and more despaired... Wouldn't you, if you were in her

There's no harm in coming back on your decision - don't you think this case has lasted long enough? Brindi's health is deteriorating, as you may read from the last news I got today from :

"Depuis sa détention, les dents de Brindi se sont infectées. Elle a été traitée 2 fois ces 6 derniers mois pour une pancréatite. Nous pouvons supposer que la maladie est devenue chronique".

In other (English) words: Since her detention, Brindi's teeth got infected. She was treated twice those last 6 months for a pancreatis, which can lead us to suppose that the disease's now become chronic.

Mr Kelly, please, please, do make an end to this all too long suffering story... Please be human! Take the only right decision: free Brindi!
So will Halifax Municipality AND yourself come out of this with pride and the feeling to have accomplished the RIGHT THING...
We are thousands, in Canada and elsewhere, in the USA or Europe, to await the happy conclusion of all this...

I thank you very much in advance, for Fran and Brindi!

Joëlle Ley

Joëlle LEY (Ms)
Rue Konkel 181 boîte 7
BE-1150 Brussels
Tel. +32 2 770 61 94
Tel. office: +32 2 296 04 63


From: LEY Joelle (RTD)
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 7:59 PM
To: ''
Subject: Save and free BRINDI - Sauvez et libérez BRINDI
Importance: High

Mr Peter J. Kelly
Maire de Halifax, Canada


Monsieur Kelly,

Je viens d'être informée du sort funeste qui pourrait, tout prochainement, être appliqué à cette magnifique chienne qu'est Brindi, dont on me dit qu'en effet elle ne constitue aucun danger pour l'ordre public...
Pourquoi donc ne pas revenir sur votre décision (celle des autorités canadiennes) et laisser la vie à cet animal?

Comme le disent si bien ses défenseurs, "essayer d’exécuter un animal innocent en se basant sur des violations de règlement est un comportement qui n’est pas digne d’un gouvernement"... Vous en conviendrez comme moi!

Francesca a tout fait et s'est quasiment ruinée pour pouvoir récupérer sa chienne, sa meilleure amie... en vain! Elle a construit une clôture (fence) et sûrement Brindi ne recommencera plus à 'mordiller' d'autres chiens... Un
psychologue canin l'a constaté: Brindi a été contrôlée par un expert qui a considéré qu’elle était absolument bien dressée...

N'aurez-vous pas pitié de ces deux créatures, Monsieur Kelly? Le monde entier et les amis des animaux vous regardent... et attendent qu'enfin le bon sens prévaille...
De grâce libérez Brindi et rendez la vie et l'espoir à Fran également!

Un tout grand merci d'avance, pour elles deux!

Joëlle Ley

Joëlle LEY
Rue Konkel 181 boîte 7
BE-1150 Bruxelles
Tél. +32 2 770 61 94

The Prime Minister

Dear Mr. Prime Minister

I sincerely hope you will not feel that I am wasting your valuable time, or object to me writing to you about one of Canada’s domestic issues regarding a single case of animal welfare, but actually it impacts on all stray domestic animals, especially in the jurisdiction of Halifax, with its particularly odious and unpopular piece of legislation, A300. I’m sure you are already familiar with Brindi's tragic Francesca, her human companion, has been fighting against the city of Halifax, Canada to keep her dog alive despite the city's insistence on keeping poor Brindi dog, whose health is now failing, in confinement (jail) and on death row. Now on March 9, 2010, the sentence hearing will take place and it is feared the judge will order the killing of Brindi.

However, I do respectfully ask a moment of your precious time to look at the website “13 Days to Save Brindi: Let’s Adopt Canada” at and it’s most recently updated page, “Day 5. The reason for Brindi’s Countdown: Let’s Adopt Canada” at  if you are not already aware of these sites. On Day 2, February 26th, there is a post by Viktor Larkhill entitled “Something is clearly wrong with Halifax”, which contains a direct reference and link to your Fostering Pets Program, within the comments regarding the position of Mayor Peter J Kelly on the Brindi Case.

I myself have written to Mayor Kelly, a very forceful and not very polite letter I’m afraid, but one which expresses my intensely powerful emotions on the subject and which I attach hereto. Like thousands of others in Canada and around the globe who have written to Mayor Kelly expressing equal horror and distaste at the City of Halifax’s handling of this case, I have received no reply. I had also copied the SPCA, Nova Scotia and again received no reply.

I sincerely hope that you may be prepared to add your voice, whether as the Prime Minister of Canada, or as a private citizen, husband, father and animal lover and thus make a difference to a city determined to fly in the face of the pleas for mercy from animal lovers the world over.

I thank you Sir, for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Trish Malkoff
Concerned Animal Activist,
South Africa

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean,
We take the liberty to contact You for an EMERGENCY. The life of this wonderful dog, Brandi, captured by the Halifax Regional Municipality, is at stake.
A terrible act of injustice has been committed! She is kept prisoner at the Halifax SPCA.
Brandi will be KILLED on March 9th upon decision of the Halifax Regional Municipality.
A minor incident, completely distorted by some of the people involved, has led into a most incredible ordeal for Brindi and her family.
The International Community is SHOCKED and mobilized for Brandi. We are revolted and we beg for Your help. Please, only You, Your Excellency, can save this dog now and make the difference!
Votre Excellence, nous faisons appel à Votre grande générosité, à Votre empathie, à Votre sens de Justice et à Votre Coeur !
Avec toute notre gratitude et respect.
Yours Sincerely,
Iside Occella

Dear Mayor:
It is time for swift action. The world is watching and only sees what Brindi's owner has shared. Brief snippets of information that supports Halifax's position are quickly proven to either be non factual or embellished to an embarrassing level. Heaven forbid this dog dies in custody or the hands of the court. It will not blow  over. Canada is already suffering the soiled reputation regarding  the seal slaughter. Brindi's case falls directly in the lap of  government not being accountable to it's citizenry.

Please  release Brindi to her owner today.

Michael Blott,D.C.
"Our  lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that
matter." -Martin Luther King Jr.


 The World Is Watching

The eyes of the world are upon Haiti, Chile . . . and Halifax, Nova Scotia; for in this "gateway to Canada's East Coast", a tragedy is also currently unfolding . . . one that you have the ability to stop.

I have just finished reading page after page after page of Brindi's story, the helpless, voiceless creature who has been languishing in the SPCA pound for more than a year and a half. Once robust and fit, she is now weak and has bad teeth, diseased gums, and pancreatitis. What a disgrace! It is absolutely shameful to keep an animal in a pound for this length of time. It is absolutely shameful to refuse to return to its owner (Francesca Rogier) an animal that has been evaluated as not dangerous and highly trainable; an animal who passed 8 weeks of obedience class with ease, having no issues with other dogs; an animal who has the support of her groomer, her vet, Deputy Mayor David Andrew Hendsbee (HRM District 3) who said, "For God's sake, this dog is not dangerous as it has been portrayed. HRM and the SPCA has lost a lot of credibility over this issue." (, and countless other professionals and people of reason world-wide.

At great financial and emotional expense, Francesca continues to fight tirelessly to have her dog returned home, agreeing to undertake WHATEVER measures requested. Still she has been denied and Brindi faces possible euthanization.

Yes, the eyes of the world ARE on you, and should this animal be euthanized, should you fail to return Brindi to Francesca, I assure you that the Halifax tourist industry will suffer greatly because of it.

This situation is nothing less than reprehensible! I hope that, upon reflection, you will find the strength of character necessary to stand up and speak out against this travesty! Save Brindi's life and send her home, where she should have been many months ago.

And if you can't do that, then please tell me -- and every child in HRM that owns and loves a dog -- how you justify the fact that you are supporting the death of an animal who has been deemed not dangerous and highly trainable, because I'd really like to hear it.

I thank you in advance for your response.


Debbie Ann Brett
St. John's, NL
For The Voiceless


Dear Mayor Kelly

I am writing to implore you to spare this dog. If not this will be a terrible injustice not to mention an undesirable public relations situation for Halifax.
I am asking for a small act of compassion which will harm no one but will spare a life and make you a hero in the eyes of many.
Many thanks for your
 kind attention to this by-now ridiculous situation.

Kindest regards,
Carol A Tavani,MD,MS,DFAPA


Comment from California

The internet has made every city next door.
The City of Halifax has an issue that they have not had the good sense to remedy before the eyes of the world.

A dog named Brindi got into an altercation with no injuries.

The animal control seized the dog and was going to kill her except the owner went to the extreme efforts to get the highest court to point out that animal control did not have the authority.

In an obvious example of retaliation they then charged the owner with infractions and continued to keep the dog in a cage for over a year!

The mayor says it is out of his hands.
There are lucrative contracts involved.
This is about egos and money.

The media has not covered this much but the strangest thing, there is no support for the animal control and the media has not called them on this.

Is this what Canada wants the world to know?

Michael Blott, D.C.


 Dear Mr. Kelly, 
There are times in politics when you must bow to the electorate and then there are times when it is simply necessary to do the right thing; in the case of Brindi, the dog of Francesca Rogier, it is the second. 
My family has been in Canada since 1745, having landed and lived in Luneberg, Nova Scotia. I am and always have been passionate about what this country stands for; multiculturalism and tolerance, but I am constantly amazed at how we draw the line on that policy to only include human beings, as if animals are undeserving of our compassion too. 
The very fact that Brindi has lived over a year in a shelter without any incident of violence is irrefutable proof that she is undeserving of execution. Please show compassion and mercy and order this dog returned to her loving owner. 
Do not let politics and face-saving create the anguish that the loss of her beloved pet will cause this woman who has fought heart and soul for so long to save her. 
To those, such as Francesca Rogier, dogs are like children. Would you stand idly by and let your city execute a child...? 
Bruce Herbert Fader


1 comment:

selwyn marock said...

Writing sweet letters to these neo-Nazis is a bit like asking Adolph Hitler to attend Synagogue on a Friday nights,have no doubt tere have been no responses from these neo-Nazis.
Vote this Rubbish out,they are only civil servants.